TASK DESCRIPTION : Today's Task is all about ( Lorde Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor ) Known professionally as Lorde, A New Zealand-born Croatian citizen singer and songwriter. Lorde is Taking inspiration from aristocracy for her stage name, she is known for employing unconventional musical styles and thoughtful songwriting. Hope you enjoy!
I am a Year 8 learner in Room 5 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher is Mrs Ilaoa.
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Day 1: Arts & Entertainment !
TASK DESCRIPTION : Today's Task is all about ( Lorde Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor ) Known professionally as Lorde, A New Zealand-born Croatian citizen singer and songwriter. Lorde is Taking inspiration from aristocracy for her stage name, she is known for employing unconventional musical styles and thoughtful songwriting. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Making Nachos @ Tamaki College!!!

Today Tuesday 2/12/2019 we made Nachos at Tamaki College, My Buddy was Laura we made Nachos together. Here are the steps down below.
Step 1 - Dice the Onion and fry until it is so soft.
- Add the mince and fry until it is cooked.
Step 2
- Add bake-bean
- Chilli Sauce
- Mix herb
- Steam for 5 Mins
- Serve with Chips
- Blog post.
Step 3
- Eat Up !!
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Cooking Hangi @Tamaki College!
Today we had our 2nd to last cooking class with Mrs Tu'ipulotu, Before we made our Hangi we had to buddy up and my buddy was Laura. Here are is the Recipe below!
Step 1 - Dice the Vegetables
- Onion ( Slice )
- Carrot ( Slice then into half a circle )
- Cabbage ( Slice )
- Orange Kumara
- Potato ( Square )
- Pumpkin ( Square )
- Chicken ( Cut in half )
Step 2 -
- Put the chicken in first and top up with vegetables, spices, and salt
- Bake 180 for 40 mins.
Step 3 -
- Bring it out of the oven and let it cool down.
- Then you serve it and eat up you delicious Hangi.
Term 4 Week 5 - Word Problems
Learning Intention:
To find more than one way of solving
each problem.
Friday, 22 November 2019
An Introduction to Static Image
WALT : Identify how verbal and visual features combine to convey mood.
Monday, 11 November 2019
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Vegetable and Bean Patties
Today we made Vegetable and Bean Patties, First we had to buddy up with someone and my buddy was Tata.
Here is how we made Vegetable and Bean Patties.
Step 1 - First we took our bowl out and put beans in there and mashed the beans.
2 - I took the brown chopping board and got vegetables from Mrs Tu'ipulotu. Vegetables were Red Pepper Capsicum, Red Onions, Carrot and Zucchini and Graded all Vegetables.
3 - After that we combined it all together and then put it on a Yellow board.
4 - Then I and Tata shaped the Vegetables and Beans into Circled Patties, then sprinkled Bread crumbs on top.
5 - Then we fried it and packed it and took it
back to school.
Here is how we made Vegetable and Bean Patties.
Step 1 - First we took our bowl out and put beans in there and mashed the beans.
2 - I took the brown chopping board and got vegetables from Mrs Tu'ipulotu. Vegetables were Red Pepper Capsicum, Red Onions, Carrot and Zucchini and Graded all Vegetables.
3 - After that we combined it all together and then put it on a Yellow board.
4 - Then I and Tata shaped the Vegetables and Beans into Circled Patties, then sprinkled Bread crumbs on top.
5 - Then we fried it and packed it and took it
back to school.
Monday, 4 November 2019
Genomics DNA with Lillyana and Efe - Lata
Today Rm 5 students had to watch Videos about What is DNA and How does it work?, What is DNA? and The DNA Structure which is part of our Genomics/Science class. We also had a transcript about What is DNA? How does it work? We also had a choice to buddy up by yourself or to make DNA, RNA, PROTEINS and Living Things or do it by yourself if yo'd like too. My Buddies were Lillyana and Efe - Lata.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Genomics Fun Day!!!
TASK DESCRIPTION : Today Wednesday 30th October, At Point England School I and the rest of our year 7 & 8 Intermediate students had two other Intermediate schools join us for our
Genomics Fun Day. The Two Intermediate schools that came over were Glen-brae and Glen Innes Intermediate, Pt England School year 7 & 8 were the hosts for the day, We had to make Glen Innes and Glen-brae Intermediate schools feel welcomed. It was so Fun and also the quizzes too!
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Today we had Technology @tamaki college. My rotation was cooking and My cooking partner was Mrs Tu'ipulotu. We made Pizza during our Tech rotation. here are the Ingredients of how I and Mrs Tu'ipulotu made Pizza.
Step 1 - Paste the top on the pizza bread with tomato sauce.
Step 2 - Dice Red pepper, Tomato, Red onion, Ham.
Step 3 - Spread all your vegetables, Ham, Cheese, Pineapples on top. Put sauce on top and bake for 15 Minutes.
Step 4 - When it melts in the over then you will know it is ready. Then you serve it and eat up enjoy your Pizza!!!
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Monday, 21 October 2019
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Siva Samoa!!!
Siva Samoa!!!
The traditional culture of Samoa is a communal way of life-based on Fa'a Samoa, the unique socio-political culture. In Samoan culture, most activities are done together. In the Samoan culture, there are 3 main parts, that is faith, family, and music. The aiga or extended family lives and works together.
In the Siva Samoa I found the actions challenging because I couldn't memorise it. The Siva Samoa dance actions was hard to remember it because we only practised it for only a few days.
During the Siva Samoa dance I enjoyed learning the Siva Samoa with my friends and also because it was only girls , Most of us felt more comfortable because the boys were away in their own time practising their Lome-Lome. The Lome-Lome which is a Samoan slap dance that boys do, The Lome Lome is hard because they slap their selves fast and hard so it hurts.
In the Siva Samoa, there are meanings to the actions they use in the Siva Samoa the actions are meanings are
Mo'emo'e ( Run ) that's the first move in the Siva Samoa
Ifo ( Bow ) Is when you take a bow then you
Bring your hands down and up slowly which is pulling your pants up
Bring your hands down from the top which is putting a shirt on
Up and down which is brushing your hair
Put one hand on your knee and one hand in the air and move left and right then you swap to the other.
... Which is Putting your shoes on then that's the end.
I and my friends have learned a short Siva Samoa from this video below try it and enjoy it!
What I'm looking forward to is having fun learning the different cultural
dances and meanings of their cultures...
What I'm looking forward to is having fun learning the different cultural
dances and meanings of their cultures...
How to be a good Person
How to be a good person
Good is the person who acts out of the kindness of their heart. Good is the person who does the right thing even when no one is looking.
Good is the person that stops’s comparing there self towards other’s. Good is the person that can make small changes. Good is the person that love’s there self and Good is also the person that be’s the best they can.
Honesty gives us great moral strength. It requires courage and boldness to be honest, as being honest may sometimes be difficult. But an honest and truthful person does not care for what may happen by staying with the truth.
Honesty will succeed ultimately, while dishonesty will soon be discovered.Honesty leads you to the simple life that is uncomplicated in the absence of all the non-essentials. It allows you to focus on the more important things in life.
Respect is defined as to feel or show esteem or honour for someone or something. An example of respect is being quiet in a cathedral. An example of respect is truly listening to someone speak.
An example of respect is walking around, rather than through, protected wilderness.Be polite. Always be polite to everyone you meet during the day, from your family members to your co-workers, to the checkout person at the grocery store.
Helpful is someone or something useful, that provides assistance or aid, or that is prone to providing aid. When someone gives you good and useful advice, this is an example of helpful advice. When a person is always asking what he can do to assist you, this is an example of a helpful person.
Helping others takes the selfishness in our lives and replaces it with selflessness. It gives us a sense of self-worth and makes us feel good about ourselves. One act of kindness turns into countless acts of kindness
It's so important to remember that you're a good person and you don't deserve to be treated or feel like otherwise. The biggest problem that people often face is that struggle of others taking advantage of you and your good heart.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
( Genomics ) Checking our Cheek Cells through Microscopes.
Genomics Microscopic Cheek Cells
Today in the early afternoon Room 5 home class got the opportunity to look at our own cheek cells.
Firstly , We all got into pairs my buddie was Lepisi, we all got given a Popsicle stick each. We had use them and rub them on the inside of our cheeks. Mrs Ilaoa also put on some solution on our slides.
Secondly, After gathering up all our Cheek cells we then put it on a slide and decided who was going to put their cheek cells near the white side and who was going to put it near the further est side.
Thirdly, We waited for it to set and dry. ... while we were waiting Mrs Ilaoa then said we have 2 choices either to do Maths Whizz or Finish our work of. finally the Cheek cells were dry and then Mrs Ilaoa helped us put on the slides into a microscope and then we got to look through the microscope and actually see what my own Cheek cells look like!!!
Overall, This was very exciting and I enjoyed it. I also turned out to be a bit creeped out by looking at I and Lepisi Cheek Cells!!!
Firstly , We all got into pairs my buddie was Lepisi, we all got given a Popsicle stick each. We had use them and rub them on the inside of our cheeks. Mrs Ilaoa also put on some solution on our slides.
Secondly, After gathering up all our Cheek cells we then put it on a slide and decided who was going to put their cheek cells near the white side and who was going to put it near the further est side.
Thirdly, We waited for it to set and dry. ... while we were waiting Mrs Ilaoa then said we have 2 choices either to do Maths Whizz or Finish our work of. finally the Cheek cells were dry and then Mrs Ilaoa helped us put on the slides into a microscope and then we got to look through the microscope and actually see what my own Cheek cells look like!!!
Overall, This was very exciting and I enjoyed it. I also turned out to be a bit creeped out by looking at I and Lepisi Cheek Cells!!!
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Today I and My Partner Laura have made Fettuccine @Tamaki College. I have made a poster that shows the Fettuccine with Mince or Chicken. I also have written down step by step of what I and Laura had to do to make the Fettuccine Enjoy!!!
Friday, 27 September 2019
Highlight's for Term 3!!!
Task Description :
These slide are to show you awesome People my Amazing Highlights for Term 3 !
Paragraph 1 :
Paragraph 2 :
Paragraph 3 :
Conclusion :
Introduction :
In many parts of the world, Christmas is the day when people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. People who remember Christmas as a religious holiday celebrate the birth of Jesus and his coming into this world. To them, he is recognised as the Son of God and the Savior of the world.
Paragraph 1 :
Why do we celebrate Christmas in short?
Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life.
Paragraph 2 :
How do people celebrate Christmas in few?
Christmas is a festival that celebrates the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas falls on December 25th of every year. A worldwide holiday is declared on this day, and people celebrate with great rejoice. People decorate their homes, hang stars and keep Christmas trees at their homes well ahead of Christmas.
Paragraph 3 :
How is Christmas Celebrated?
The second day is Christmas Day, which is celebrated on December 25 every year. ... Traditionally, people decorate their homes with bright, colourful lights and a Christmas tree. Feasts are prepared and many people also ring in the occasion weeks in advance and Christmas carols are sung for the occasion.
Conclusion of Christmas Celebration:
Christmas is the season of joy, peace, and happiness. It is the special season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though this was its original purpose, the celebration of Christmas has grown to become a symbolic time for living in peace and love.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Is Co-ed School A Good Idea???
Co-ed School?
Introduction :
What do you feel about your children going to a CO-ED School? Have you been to
( Co-education Schools ) CO-ED School?
Mixed-sex education, also known as mixed-gender education, co-education or coeducation (abbreviated to co-ed or coed), is a system of education where males and females are educated together.
Paragraph 1 :
How does Co-education institutions help?
A good education system is said to be progressive only if it respects both the genders and giving the same education under a single roof.
Co-education institutions help in laying the foundation for both the genders to learn how to co-exist with respect and dignity.
Co-exist For example boys need to be around girls so they can learn how to socialize properly around girls and also when girls are around boys they tend to show off especially in a high standard.
Co-education learning centres help to lay the early foundation for maintaining dignity and self-esteem. ... Co-education helps both the genders to respect each other's self-esteem and build confidence about their own self, helping them to step out in the open without feeling intimidated.
Sending your child to a school with boys and girls will encourage their self-esteem, social skills and better prepare them for a diverse world where both genders play important roles.
Paragraph 2 :
Co-ed School ( Bullying )
In Co-ed Schools there is always that one problem and that one problem is Bullying. Bullying Is a major problem around our world and in plus what is Bullying In our world or in your world. Its easy to assume everyone knows what Bullying is. But often the term bullying is used to describe other aggressive behavior.
This can make it hard for schools, parents and families, and the wider community to consistently identify and deal with bullying when it happens.
Most widely-accepted definitions of bullying are based on four elements: bullying is deliberate, harmful, involves a power imbalance, and has an element of repetition.
Bullying can happen anywhere, in person or online (cyber bullying), at any time, and can be verbal, physical or social (relational). It can be obvious or hidden.
Kids who bully use their power — such as physical strength, knowing something embarrassing, or popularity — to control or harm others.
Bullying is when one student (or a group of students) keeps picking on another student again and again to make them feel bad. They say or do things to upset them, make fun of them, stop them from joining in, or keep hitting or punching them.
Paragraph 3 :
Drama can start at private schools :
Within being with the same people all the time you can get frustrated. This can always be the cause of fights man! Ways to stop Drama at Schools/Private School is to :
Avoid drama starters.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated, Don't encourage, Don't over exaggerate, Don't get involved over social media, Don't get involved, Stay in your lane, Most importantly don't start drama.
A Co-educational Education System makes both gender students frank and reduces shyness against the opposite gender. ... Co-education System helps to learn to work in a team and respect your team members as well.
Though a few conservative people are against this system, their views do not hold ground. Co-education generates harmonious relationship, a sense of co-operation, and thus, helps in the progress of the nation. Co-education helps the boys and girls to intermingle and understand each other well.
Conclusion :
coeducational schools provide important benefits and are therefore better for high school students. Coeducational schools help to teach students to interact with the opposite sex, which is important for their personal, social and professional lives as adults.
Co-ed school education can be enjoyable for students and can not be enjoyable for other students that don’t enjoy Co-ed Schools education.
The titles for each paragraph was How does Co-educational institutions help? , Co-educational Bullying? And Drama can start at private school?. I have chose to write about these titles because it has been happening a lot around Countries and The entire World too.
Did you know that There is no any second thought in saying Co-education is better than the Separate Education.
Introduction :
What do you feel about your children going to a CO-ED School? Have you been to
( Co-education Schools ) CO-ED School?
Mixed-sex education, also known as mixed-gender education, co-education or coeducation (abbreviated to co-ed or coed), is a system of education where males and females are educated together.
Paragraph 1 :
How does Co-education institutions help?
A good education system is said to be progressive only if it respects both the genders and giving the same education under a single roof.
Co-education institutions help in laying the foundation for both the genders to learn how to co-exist with respect and dignity.
Co-exist For example boys need to be around girls so they can learn how to socialize properly around girls and also when girls are around boys they tend to show off especially in a high standard.
Co-education learning centres help to lay the early foundation for maintaining dignity and self-esteem. ... Co-education helps both the genders to respect each other's self-esteem and build confidence about their own self, helping them to step out in the open without feeling intimidated.
Sending your child to a school with boys and girls will encourage their self-esteem, social skills and better prepare them for a diverse world where both genders play important roles.
Paragraph 2 :
Co-ed School ( Bullying )
In Co-ed Schools there is always that one problem and that one problem is Bullying. Bullying Is a major problem around our world and in plus what is Bullying In our world or in your world. Its easy to assume everyone knows what Bullying is. But often the term bullying is used to describe other aggressive behavior.
This can make it hard for schools, parents and families, and the wider community to consistently identify and deal with bullying when it happens.
Most widely-accepted definitions of bullying are based on four elements: bullying is deliberate, harmful, involves a power imbalance, and has an element of repetition.
Bullying can happen anywhere, in person or online (cyber bullying), at any time, and can be verbal, physical or social (relational). It can be obvious or hidden.
Kids who bully use their power — such as physical strength, knowing something embarrassing, or popularity — to control or harm others.
Bullying is when one student (or a group of students) keeps picking on another student again and again to make them feel bad. They say or do things to upset them, make fun of them, stop them from joining in, or keep hitting or punching them.
Paragraph 3 :
Drama can start at private schools :
Within being with the same people all the time you can get frustrated. This can always be the cause of fights man! Ways to stop Drama at Schools/Private School is to :
Avoid drama starters.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated, Don't encourage, Don't over exaggerate, Don't get involved over social media, Don't get involved, Stay in your lane, Most importantly don't start drama.
A Co-educational Education System makes both gender students frank and reduces shyness against the opposite gender. ... Co-education System helps to learn to work in a team and respect your team members as well.
Though a few conservative people are against this system, their views do not hold ground. Co-education generates harmonious relationship, a sense of co-operation, and thus, helps in the progress of the nation. Co-education helps the boys and girls to intermingle and understand each other well.
Conclusion :
coeducational schools provide important benefits and are therefore better for high school students. Coeducational schools help to teach students to interact with the opposite sex, which is important for their personal, social and professional lives as adults.
Co-ed school education can be enjoyable for students and can not be enjoyable for other students that don’t enjoy Co-ed Schools education.
The titles for each paragraph was How does Co-educational institutions help? , Co-educational Bullying? And Drama can start at private school?. I have chose to write about these titles because it has been happening a lot around Countries and The entire World too.
Did you know that There is no any second thought in saying Co-education is better than the Separate Education.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Chocolate Muffins @ Tamaki College with Skye
Task Description : Today on Tuesday September 24th I and other year 8ight's went down to Tamaki College for Tech ( Technology ). We have four different rotations they are Cooking, Hard Materials , Music and Robotics, The Rotation I was in was Cooking and it was also our last session for cooking. When we got in we had to wash our hands and Partner up with someone , My Partner was Skye and we made Chocolate Muffins with Whipped Cream on top too it was so Delicious!
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Why Is School Holidays Needed ???
Introduction :
School Break is a good idea for student’s that need to rest there brains. School Break Is something a lot of students would want and enjoy because they don’t have to get up early at most times.
Why do we need School Holidays?
Children need school holidays because they need to relax , Older kids need time to rest to because they always get up early for school.
if students don’t get school holidays they will have health problems.
School holidays help kids reset their brain so they can do better at school. Kids want school holidays because they can do many things.
They could go to new places, meet new people , and hang out with family members that they have never met.
They could also go out as a family for dinner at a nice restaurant or have some family time together.
Can you still learn from the School Break?
By having school holidays children have more days and weeks to spend with there loved ones ( Relatives ) Especially there Grandparents they could even go away together on a Vacation.
School breaks are good because you can also learn about new things during your school break and you can share it with your friends and other families.
If you plan to travel around the world that is good. Because you can learn about there Culture Traditions, Languages.
It is legit fun to learn about other cultures, to be honest, and that's one thing you could learn about in the Holidays if you go traveling.
Should summer Vacation be shorter ?
There is actually less time this year because everything is Busier and also time is getting faster ever since last year. Summer vacation should last longer because you have more Freedom during summer.
You also would not have to worry about school work, and plus You can make more money, Go on a family/friends Vacation, and Hang out with family/friends too!
Conclusion :
School breaks are fun at times and can be boring for people , Because most people enjoy school breaks and others don’t Maybe because they are really studying hard in school or maybe School is just there favourite thing because they get to learn new things each day.
This writing was about Why do we need School Breaks . The 3 Main Ideas I chose to write about was Can you still learn from The School Break ?
We need school holidays because if Students don’t get school and Should summer Vacation be Shorter. This essay is for you to think about it and to also Investigate school Holidays!!
School Break is a good idea for student’s that need to rest there brains. School Break Is something a lot of students would want and enjoy because they don’t have to get up early at most times.
Why do we need School Holidays?
Children need school holidays because they need to relax , Older kids need time to rest to because they always get up early for school.
if students don’t get school holidays they will have health problems.
School holidays help kids reset their brain so they can do better at school. Kids want school holidays because they can do many things.
They could go to new places, meet new people , and hang out with family members that they have never met.
They could also go out as a family for dinner at a nice restaurant or have some family time together.
Can you still learn from the School Break?
By having school holidays children have more days and weeks to spend with there loved ones ( Relatives ) Especially there Grandparents they could even go away together on a Vacation.
School breaks are good because you can also learn about new things during your school break and you can share it with your friends and other families.
If you plan to travel around the world that is good. Because you can learn about there Culture Traditions, Languages.
It is legit fun to learn about other cultures, to be honest, and that's one thing you could learn about in the Holidays if you go traveling.
Should summer Vacation be shorter ?
There is actually less time this year because everything is Busier and also time is getting faster ever since last year. Summer vacation should last longer because you have more Freedom during summer.
You also would not have to worry about school work, and plus You can make more money, Go on a family/friends Vacation, and Hang out with family/friends too!
Conclusion :
School breaks are fun at times and can be boring for people , Because most people enjoy school breaks and others don’t Maybe because they are really studying hard in school or maybe School is just there favourite thing because they get to learn new things each day.
This writing was about Why do we need School Breaks . The 3 Main Ideas I chose to write about was Can you still learn from The School Break ?
We need school holidays because if Students don’t get school and Should summer Vacation be Shorter. This essay is for you to think about it and to also Investigate school Holidays!!
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
How to be a good Son/Daughter?
How to be a good Son/Daughter?
Intro :
Are you a good child to your parents?
Are you a good child to your parents?
Being a good child takes a lot just to make your parents
proud.To be a good child you have to listen to your
parents and show how responsible a good child would
be like and to also step up and take leadership and
look out for your younger siblings and to also help
mom make lunch for you and your younger siblings.
proud.To be a good child you have to listen to your
parents and show how responsible a good child would
be like and to also step up and take leadership and
look out for your younger siblings and to also help
mom make lunch for you and your younger siblings.
Paragraph :
How could you be a good Son/Daughter ?
To be a good daughter you could accept there
generosity. To be a good Daughter you can
Acknowledge the ways in which you’ve become. To
be a good daughter you have to be honest with your
parents. To be a good daughter you can show your
love to them by being true to yourself and remembering
there birthdays and anniversaries too.
generosity. To be a good Daughter you can
Acknowledge the ways in which you’ve become. To
be a good daughter you have to be honest with your
parents. To be a good daughter you can show your
love to them by being true to yourself and remembering
there birthdays and anniversaries too.
Paragraph :
How does a good Son/daughter listen to
there Parents ?
there Parents ?
To be a good daughter you’ll have to listen to your
\ parents. To be a good daughter you’ll know that
when your parents talk you’ll want your child to
listen and make sure that there are no other
distractions. To be a good daughter is when your
parents is getting your attention and they let you
know they want to talk to you , you listen to your
\ parents. To be a good daughter you’ll know that
when your parents talk you’ll want your child to
listen and make sure that there are no other
distractions. To be a good daughter is when your
parents is getting your attention and they let you
know they want to talk to you , you listen to your
How to be a grateful Son/Daughter ?
To be a grateful daughter you’ll have to always Be
Realistic. To be a grateful daughter you would eat
a meal the mom cooks you even if you wanted another
meal. To be a grateful daughter you would take care
of yourself. To be a grateful daughter you would
honour your responsibility.
Realistic. To be a grateful daughter you would eat
a meal the mom cooks you even if you wanted another
meal. To be a grateful daughter you would take care
of yourself. To be a grateful daughter you would
honour your responsibility.
Conclusion :
This writing was to explain to you about How to
be a good Son/Daughter and I also wrote about
Hot to be helpful, How to listen and how to be
grateful/thankful. I hope you enjoyed it!
be a good Son/Daughter and I also wrote about
Hot to be helpful, How to listen and how to be
grateful/thankful. I hope you enjoyed it!
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Cooking Lasagne and Mince at Tamaki College!!!
Today on Tuesday we had to partner up with a buddy, My buddy was Angel.
We had to make Lasagne with mince, Here are the steps of making Lasagne with Mince.
Step 1 : Take the frying pan out and put mince on the frying pan.
Step 2 : Dice up some Onions and Garlic on a chopping board and put it in the frying pan with the Mince.
Step 3 : Boil a pack of Lasagne in a pot.
Step 4 : Add Pasta sauce and cottage cheese into the Frying pan with Mince and stir it well.
Step 5 : Add the Lasagne in the pot into the Frying pan and Stir it well.
Step 5 : Add Italian Herbs into the Frying Pan.
Step 6 : Put it into a bowl and eat it.
Monday, 16 September 2019
X-Cross - Country !
X-Cross Country!
On Monday September 16 Pt England School had there X-Cross Country. We also had to bring a change of clothes that have the same colours as our house colours.
The House Colours were Yellow ( Hikianalia ), Blue ( Hine Moana ), Green ( Hokulea )
And Red ( Te Aurere ). We started X-Cross Country at 1:00 Pm and finished at 2:45 Pm. There was 16 groups that ran and we had to line up with the rest of our gender year and Mr Somerville had to say On your marks , Get set and he clapped the Clapper and said go and we all ran our fastest and hardest too, It was so tiring and we also had sore backs and some people were finding it hard to breathe too! It was such an Exciting, Funny , happy and nervous day too!
What Is The Purpose Of School???
What Is The Purpose Of School.
The purpose of attending school is to receive an education ( a good education ) that will help you , your family and your friends In the future. School is a pleasure in our world because without school how will you survive , without school how will anyone or families and countries survive.
School is where you start from you attend school, Then you attend high school then University and then you graduate. After you graduate you will get a job and earn money to feed you and your family and that is the Purpose of School.
School is where you start from you attend school, Then you attend high school then University and then you graduate. After you graduate you will get a job and earn money to feed you and your family and that is the Purpose of School.
In some countries they don't have schools,But like us here in new Zealand ( Auckland ) Our schools have a lot of amazing things like Technology , Students , Sports , Teachers to help us learn education and many more.
We need to go school and have a healthy variety and we also should gather people together to start Fundraising for other Countries that are poor and for the countries that have dirty water and food ( Dirty Environment ) to survive with. People should step there game up and start thinking about others because most people are just thinking about themselves.
We need to go school and have a healthy variety and we also should gather people together to start Fundraising for other Countries that are poor and for the countries that have dirty water and food ( Dirty Environment ) to survive with. People should step there game up and start thinking about others because most people are just thinking about themselves.
So there you have What Is The Purpose Of School. The main purpose of attending school is to receive an education ( A good education ). We should also help Fund raise for poor Countries and also for people and families that are struggling in our World.
We should also help the homeless people that sit on the streets and are cold freezing at night time. Helping people is a good job that also shows Integrity.
We should also help the homeless people that sit on the streets and are cold freezing at night time. Helping people is a good job that also shows Integrity.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Te Reo Karakia - Mihi
This week and also last week I and other students in my rotation
Group had to fill in the missing words and the missing words I've Filled in are underlined . I have filled in missing words from a Maori Karakia and Mihi and have also filled in missing words for The English translation of the Maori Karakia and Mihi . Hope you Enjoy !
Fair Chocolate
WALT: Identify the authors bias and perspective
Monday, 9 September 2019
Tuna Pasta Salad
#Cooking teacher - Mrs Tuipulotu
This is what I and my partner made my partner was Tehillah
And we made Paste Tuna Salad. It looks so delicious and others had made it too .
Hope You Enjoy .
Friday, 6 September 2019
Moa Birds!
De-extinction: The Argument Against :
Should Moa be De-extinction?
Moa Should not be De-extinction because
Bringing animals back to life could be dangerous.
The Reason for not bringing Moa back is that you
don’t know if their brains are working Properly or
You don’t know what they could turn out to be or be like.
Why Do Scientists argue about De-extinction?
Many people believe the De-extinction is a waste of money and effort, Although technology is almost here, bringing the moa back would be a Huge venture. It would take a large team of Scientists and would need lots And lots of money. You would also need a huge safe habitat for them to Live in and for them to have the right foods and needs too. It is very Expensive to bring back even just one moa.
Would you ever own your own company and sell Moa?
No - Because own your own company and selling Moa birds is a very Hard company job. As I said before Moa do take a large team of Scientists And would need lots and lots of money to build a Moa even just one Moa Would cost a lot. Moa birds are huge and very long, For the species to survive, You would need lots of them both females and males so they could breed and become established.
Do we need Moa Birds here in New Zealand?
No - Because would it even know how to be a Moa?
If not who would Teach it? Where would it live? At the moment, releasing a genetically Modified organism into the wild is still Illegal here in New Zealand. Many Species have been Extinct because of the habitat in which they Lived was destroyed, So they were Destroyed because of there habitat Was destroyed
by Humans that hunt them down.
Conclusion :
Moa were very long birds, not tall birds as the early
depictions would Have them. …The myth, starting with
The early writer such as Haast, that Moa were grassland
Grazing birds, prevailed until the 1980s when Research
Concluded that Moa were forest birds.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Inside A Cell !
This is a Poster I made about What's Inside A Cell !
this is some facts about Inside A Cell and it is so amazing .
Hope You Enjoy !
Nerve Cells Diagram !
This is a Nerve Cells Diagram The Diagram is explaining
what a Nerve Cells Diagram looks like and what it is and what it means . Hope You Enjoy !
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Chicken Curry
Today I and other year 8's have made Chicken Curry in the Curry we had Chicken, Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes and some flavour too! It was so delicious that I enjoyed it. I also can make Chicken curry at home for dinner I and my family love my Chicken Curry...
Friday, 30 August 2019
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Pairing 32 body parts into 16 pairs in total ( Curriculum Bites Digestion )!
Task Description : For this task Inquiry Science we had to work with a buddy and my buddy was Lillyana and figure out 32 parts of our body and figure what it does in our body meaning
partnering them up with another pair to create 16 pairs in total . We had to pair up what the meaning was for Pancreas and the small intestine , Digestion , Seven nutrient groups , Enzymes , Villi , Catalysts, amylase, Protease , Blood , Lipase , Alveoli , Saliva glands , Peristalsis, Stomach ...
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
How do our bodies digest food?
WALT : make inferences to understand the deeper meaning of a text
T.D :
Here are some slides that have questions about
What are Villi ? , Mirror - Sylvia Plath and also making my
Inference of what these 2 photos mean and look like to me and others.
The Digestive System ( 2 )
This is an Awesome Digestive System but had been
Explained by I and my Buddy. We have explained what jobs the
Mouth , Gallbladder , Liver , Large and small Intestine ,
Esophagus , Stomach , Pancreas and Anus .
The Digestive System
T.D : I and my buddy have an awesome poster to show.
So this is a Digestive System it explains the different System
Parts of a Human Being Body . Hope you enjoy and leave a positive comment .
5 Facts About Blood ! ! !
This Week I and other student's have been learning about
Body Cells - Blood I have made a poster online with
5 Facts About Blood ! I have made it because it is part of My Tracking My-Our Learning Slides for Genomics ( Science ) .
Hope you Enjoy!
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