Thursday, 27 June 2019

T2W9 Fractions, decimals and percentages

TASK DESCRIPTION : This week I and students have been Working
 on some Fractions , Decimals and Percentages Problem Solving .

WALT : Solve problems with fractions, decimals and percentages .

T2W9/10 Fractions Word Problems

TASK DESCRIPTION : This Week I and other students have been work on how to solve Fractions , Decimals and Percentages . This Problem is about Fractions and Please leave a Positive comment .

WALT : Solve problems with fractions, decimals and percentages

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

What About A Game

What About A Game

Introduction : Netball is a sport game that girls from ages 5 yrs - 17 yrs or 18 yrs enjoy . It involves shooting a ball through a hoop to score points . 

Who Invented Netball ? 
Body 1 : Netball was invented by James Naismith then he traces its roots to Basketball . He Invented 
Basketball in 1891 , A Canadian physical education instructor working in the United States , Who was trying to develop an indoor sport for his students back at the YMCA training school . YMCA training school is now called Springfield College . 

How to play Netball ?
Body 2 : To play Netball you have to be fit and obey the Netball Rules . There are 7 Positions in Netball . You have a Goal Shooter ( GS ) , Goal Attack (GA), Wing Attack (WA), Center (C), Wing Defence (WD), Goal Defence (GD) and Goal Keeper (GK). Netball Games are played on a Rectangular court with raised goals at each ends . The object is to score goals from within a defined area, by throwing a ball into a ring attached to a 3.05 metres (10 feet) high post. 

How does Netball Championships work ? 
Body 3 : The World Youth Netball Championships started in Canberra in 1988, and have been held roughly every four years since. In 1995, the International Olympic Committee designated netball as an Olympic recognised sport. Did you know that is was Basketball to Netball . In 1970 the sport became known as netball in New Zealand.

Conclusion : Netball Is an amazing sport to play a lot of girls enjoy playing Netball . Boys can play to but only in the mixed Netball teams . This writing about Netball was to show you how to play Netball , Who Invented it and How the Netball Championships start.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Perspicuous Paragraphs

This Week I and some students have been learning about Perspicuous Paragraphs .
I hope you enjoy and leave a positive comment down below ..

Monday, 17 June 2019

Maths Problem Solving

This is our problem solving It was a bit confusing to
 understand but was fun at the same time. 
Sylvia - 9 x 5 = 45
Sonny - 6 x 5 = 30 
Sam - 3 x 5 = 15 + 24 = 39

This is the Question I , Lillyana , Pauline and Rosiephine had to explain
 and read before solving anything .  

Please leave A Positive Comment .

Thursday, 13 June 2019

What Is School ???

What is school?

Introduction :  
School is a place where children go to get a good Education. In New Zealand children
from ages 5 - 10 yrs are in primary school , Then ages 11 - 13 is Intermediate.
Then ages 13 - 18 is High School and then you enter University . NZ Law States
say that children must attend school / High school from Monday - Friday ...

Body Paragraph - 1 : What Do Students learn here at school?
Here at school we learn Numeracy , Literacy , Technology and others too. These are the main
subjects students learn about in school. In Numeracy we learn how to count , Subtract ,
Multiply and Addition. In Reading we learn how to pronounce words sound it out and
meaning of that word. In Writing we write all sorts of different types to make it more

Body Paragraph - 2 : What is Friendship ?

Friendship is something that is hard and easy for some Students . Friendship is hard
because not all students fit in because the get bullied , Mocked and Frighten at most
times. Friendship is easy for Students that act Cool , Think there Tough and like to show off.

At school when your with a lot of Friends you start to show of and back stab people and
even snob friends your close with. What i mean by snob your friends is when you know
there close to you and they say hi to you you just snob them. Because you are showing
off and because you’re trying to fit in with the others .
Friendship is something important especially in your own life , You have to be secure
and sure that your Friends are trustworthy and that they trust you
and you trust them too .

Body Paragraph - 3 : What is Technology?
Technology is where you go and learn about different subjects like Robotics ,
Cooking and more . Did you know that it is important to use devices like
Chrome books, I macs , I pads and many more.

Some Schools are very lucky
because they have devices and all that sort of stuff, but other schools don’t
have devices they use scrap books and pencils to do writing. They also use
normal books that have there reading text for there task to read. Other schools
that have devices read online books and complete there Reading task that is online...

Conclusion :
So that’s what school is really all about. Don’t change yourself just
because you wanna fit in with all the other cool girls.Friendship is Important
and make sure that you trust your friends and that they trust you too .

Advice : Make sure you’re not bullying others and be responsible for your own acts...