Friday 17 August 2018

A Healthy Sandwiches Recipe

Start Recipe here:
How to make a perfect Tuna sandwhich….
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 2 teaspoons Butter
  • 2 pieces of Lettuce
  • 1 Tomato

What to do
  • First you spread 2 teaspoons of Butter on both slices of bread .
  • Next you open up the can of tuna.
  • Next you spread 2 teaspoons of tuna on a slice of bread.
  • Then you put 3 pieces of lettuce on top of your tuna
  • Then you slice your 1 tomato and put 3 or 4 pieces of tomato on top of your lettuce
  • Last of all you slice you tuna sandwich up and get in there.

This is a recipe for a healthy tuna sandwich make sure you’ll always have a delicious
yummy and tasty Tuna Sandwich!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maree,

    I really liked that you told us the exact quantities of the ingredients that we would be using and that you broke your instructions down to make them easy to follow. You also chose words and phrases to help your audience know what to do, like 'spread', 'slice' 'on top'. Lets keep using really clear words and sentences to help our readers to understand exactly what we are thinking.
