Friday 16 September 2016

Maree Olympic Narrative

Hi did you know that Valerie Adams a good shot put thrower. She was really good  you know I thought Valerie Adams  would get gold medals every time she’d  go’s to the Olympics.

But she got a silver medal after all she didn’t come in 2nd  place
Anymore. She actually got a gold medal because the person that came first was Michelle Carter she came in first place .

August 13 2016 - Michelle Carter was a USA shot put star. Who celebrates after her enormous national … Michelle Carter was caught after taking drugs in the Olympics. Michelle Carter was cheating in the Olympics so Valerie Adams got the Gold medal it was fair.

Valerie Adams won put shot in the Olympics Michelle Carter was disqualified from the Olympics. And was never to com back to the Olympic sport’s in Rio. The Olympics was good for human to do sport’s.

There are different kind of sport’s like Gymnastics, Shot put, Hurdles, Javelin, Handball, Swimming.

Walt: Narrate a story about an Olympic athlete getting lost in Barra, Rio
Wilf: Writing is planned
Paragraphs have one main idea
Ideas are clear to the audience

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